Vincitore della Coppa Cannabis: 2006 e 2007. Cosa succede quando si mescolano la leggendaria G13 con la nostra Hawaiian Sativa preferita? Si ottiene una pianta con una straordinaria densità di fiori e produzione di resina. Il G13 Haze offre un sano rendimento con un alto livello di THC. Gli aromi intensi, il sapore di frutta/spezie e l’effetto cerebrale potente rendono il fumo meritevole dell’assaggio. Questa pianta cresce medio-corta e compatta per un ceppo dominante di Sativa, ed è perfetto per giardini SOG e ScrOG.
- Feminised
- Normal
- Indoor/outdoor
- G13 x Hawaiian Sativa
- Powerful cerebral effects
- 550 gr/m²
- 65 – 70
- October
- 2nd-3rd week
- 100/110cm
- 110cm
- 20%
- 80%
- No

User-Generated Strain-Profile
Known Phenotypes:
beta version – add an other phenotype
1.: short, stretched, slowly blossoming, sativa-dominant Phenotype #1
2.: long, stretched, slowly blossoming, sativa-dominant Phenotype #1
For this strain we got input by 8 user(s). Here a short overview:
Flowering Time Indoor: 74 – 78 days (~76 days)
Yield / Quantity Indoor: The crop of this strain is very high.
General Impression Indoor: is all together extremely good and very recommendable.
Harvest Time Outdoor:
End of October +/- 1 Week in CmShβ climates.
Middle of October +/- 1 Week in CmShα climates.
Strength / Lasting Effect: The weed is very strong and long lasting.
Yield / Quantity Outdoor: The crop of this strain is very high.
General Impression Outdoor: is all together extraordinary and quite recommendable.
Votings of our users: G13 Haze gets 8.32 of 10 possible Points in the average!